Critical Discourse Analysis of Kompas.Com News about Valentino Rossi who exposed to Covid-19
This study aims to describe the word choice, cohesion, and coherence, as well as the grammatical elements, which feature in the article entitled “Profil Valentino Rossi, Rider Moto GP Pertama yang Positif Covid-19”. The data was gathered through a combination of literature research, observation, and note-taking techniques. The data was analyzed using CDA and the Teun A. Van Dijk model. Teun A. Van Dijk's theory allows the writer to explain the structure of text in online media. Kompas' coverage of Valentino Rossi, who was exposed to Covid-19, exemplifies the Italian racer's current state and how the subject is reported using basic linguistic analytical tools. The author also employs graphic elements to visually emphasize and clarify real-world situations and conditions.
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