The Philosophical Values of Siger in Saibatin and Papadun Society
This research focuses on the philosophical values of Siger or the women bride`scrown of the Saibatin and Papadun society in Lampung. The qualitative descriptive was used as the research approach. The data were collected from the literature review. The data analysis consists of three stages: data reduction, display data, and verification. The results of the research show the values of Siger consists of courteousness, openness, toleration (nemui nyimah), the dignity and responsibilities (juluk adok), the ability to assimilate (nengah nyappor), and cooperation (sakai sambayan). Those values are the socio-cultural identity of Lampung society and representing the social interaction among the society. The values of Siger could be posited as a social capital and cultural capital in the practice of social interaction in the daily life.
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