Measuring the Use of Politeness in Language on the Demonstration Poster International Women’s Day 2020 (Pragmatic Studies)
This study aims to measure the use of politeness in communication when the International Women's Day 2020 demonstration is held. The researchers used a descriptive qualitative method with a content/document analysis strategy. This strategy is used to facilitate researchers in knowing the character and types of research data to be analysed. Data collection techniques used document techniques. This technique is used by researchers to take documents in the form of pictures (posters). The results showed that the use of the maxims of politeness as many as 35 data, and the violations of the maxims of politeness as many as 10 data. These results can be seen from the speech on the posters used by the demonstrators. The majority of speech act used in the IWD 2020 demonstration posters are included in the use of the maxims of politeness.
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