The Relationship Issue of Phraseologism and Proverb-Sayings in Language
Phraseologisms are symbolic and figurative means of expression that people have created through language over the centuries. Therefore, fiction cannot be imagined without phraseology. Fiction bus-relies entirely on artistic expression, imagery, and narrative. Therefore, the extensive and effective use of phraseology is extremely powerful in fiction. Phraseologisms are symbolic (figurative) means of expression and imagery that people have created through language over the centuries. That is why language and fiction cannot be imagined without phraseology.
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Salomov G. (1966) Language and translation. – Tashkent: Fan Publishing House. – p. 266. (Саломов Ғ. Тил ва таржима. Т.: “Фан” нашриёти. 1966. 256-бет.)
Uzbek folk proverbs. (1987) Two volumes. Volume 1. – Tashkent. “Fan” Publishing House. – p. 40. (Ўзбек халқ мақоллари. Икки жилдлик. 1-жилд. Т.: “Фан” нашриёти. 1987. 40-бет.)
Uzbek folk proverbs. (1988) Two volumes. – Tashkent: “Science Publishing House of the Uzbek SSR”. Volume 1 1987. Volume 2. (Ўзбек халқ мақоллари. Икки жилдлик. Т.: Ўзбекистон ССР “Фан” нашриёти”. 1-жилд. 1987. 2-жилд. 1988.)
Rahmatullaev Sh. (1978) Annotated phraseological dictionary of the Uzbek language. – Tashkent: Teacher Publishing House. (Р а ҳ м а т у л л а е в Ш. Ўзбек тилининг изоҳли фразеологик луғати. Т.: “Ўқитувчи” нашриёти. 1978.)
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Dal V. (1957) The Wayward // Proverbs of the Russian people. - Moscow: - p. 20 (We received the translation of this opinion from the following source: Uzbek folk proverbs. Two volumes. Volume 1. T: Publishing house "Fan" of the Uzbek SSR. 1987. p. 15). (Д а л ь В. Напутное//Пословицы русского народа. М.: 1957. С. 20 (Биз бу фикр таржимасини қуйидаги манбадан олдик: Ўзбек халқ мақоллари. Икки жилдлик. 1-жилд. Т.: Ўзбекистон ССР “Фан” нашриёти. 1987. 15-бет))
Rybnikova M. A. (1961) Russian proverbs, proverbs and sayings. – Moscow: - p. 17 (We received the translation of this opinion from the following source: Uzbek folk proverbs. Two volumes. Volume 1. T: Publishing house "Fan" of the Uzbek SSR. 1987. p. 15). (Р ы б н и к о в а М. А. Русские пословицы пословицы и поговорки. М.: 1961. С. 17 ((Биз бу фикр таржимасини қуйидаги манбадан олдик: Ўзбек халқ мақоллари. Икки жилдлик. 1-жилд. Т.: Ўзбекистон ССР “Фан” нашриёти. 1987. 15-бет))
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