Implementation of State Youth Policy at a New Stage of Development of Uzbekistan
The socio-political activity of youth is an indicator of the processes taking place in modern society. Since the young generation is the main mobilization resource of society, which determines the future of the state. This article is devoted to youth policy, international legal documents developed by the UN, the growing relevance of this issue in connection with the deepening of globalization processes and the ensuing dangers and challenges covering all countries, the solutions of which are impossible without the active participation of young people, a question that is always one of the priority tasks of the international community and in particular the UN. The international legal documents regulating the youth sphere are considered, since this issue has been an object of state policy in more than 130 countries of the world since the middle of the 20th century. The article comprehensively surveys the new course taken by Uzbekistan to increase the role of youth in the socio-political life of society. In this regard, emphasis is placed on the comprehensive support of youth initiatives, both from the state and from youth organizations. Based on this, it can be argued that an open dialogue with youth has become a strategic direction at a new stage in the development of Uzbekistan. In this strategy, a key place is given to increasing the social activity of youth, their involvement in the processes of formation of a modern, democratic state.
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