Compatibility of Organizational Culture towards the Application of Entrepreneurial Research University (ERU)
This study aims to analyze the appropriateness of organizational culture in an effort to implement Entrepreneurial Research University (ERU) at DWC University through processing primary data from the results of questionnaires regarding 4 (four) types of organizational culture, which are filled out by Academic Staff (PA) or lecturers and Academic Supporters (PPA) or administrative staff as many as 254 people. The questionnaire refers to the concept of the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) which is based on Quinn and Cameron's theory of the Competing Values Framework (CVF). The primary data of this research is processed with the Importance-Performance Analysis method to measure the level of employee satisfaction, and Gap Analysis to compare the actual performance with the expected potential performance, equipped with a Spider Curve Analysis as a visualization of the importance and performance of each aspect in the variable researched. From the survey results, it was found that employees have lived the culture of Clan and Adhocracy, as the most appropriate characters which support the formation of a work environment that is mutually respectful among office holders, both equal and tiered, in order to achieve ERU. The main point in the cultural characteristics of the Clan and Adhocracy has been considered important by employees, although not entirely satisfied with its implementation. Gap that arise between the understanding of the importance of the main points above and the perceived satisfaction, is a note for leaders, especially HR managers to formulate new strategies to improve employee performance and satisfaction.
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