Country Study Texts Help to Develop High School Students` Sociolinguistic Competence in English Lessons
This article scientifically describes the methods of developing the sociolinguistic competence of high school students by reading country study texts in English classes.For the formation of sociolinguistic competence, we consider it expedient to single out particular methodological (proper methodological) principles: These principles reflect the peculiarities of teaching a foreign language as an academic discipline. Considering the structure of sociolinguistic competence, the methodology for the formation of sociolinguistic competence should contain knowledge of the main features of official, neutral and unofficial communication registers; etiquette formulas of address, greetings, exclamations, farewells, congratulations, expressions of polite requests,wishes, gratitude, regret; stable expressions, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters; as well as general knowledge about science and art, history and religion, geographical location, culture of the speakers of the target language.
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