The Analysis of the Investment Activity in Regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Zulkhumor Abdalova, Imongali Islomov


The article considers the issues of territorial structure of the national economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the analysis of the social-economic development of the regions was conducted, the author points out the features and factors, influencing the region's development, basic directions of sharp differentiation decline in the region's development as well. The analysis on role and impact of carried regional policy on mitigation of territorial disproportionate in the country taking into account the features of agriculture specialization, structure, domestic problems of social territorial development and rational use of natural resources, etc. The authors paid special attention to the development of the strategy and complex program on region's social-economic development. The issues of investment to the basic capital as the most important factor of the region's economic growth, influencing the investment amount, contributing the economy's intensification, manufacture modernization, quality growth and competition of production were analyzed in the article. In terms of the investment activity development and structural problems solution, investment risks the authors propose the program actions with SWOT-analysis, for assessment the update conditions and tendencies of the region’s investment activity development. The issues of the investment potential level, investment attraction of the republic regions have also been considered.  In the frame of conducted scientific research the authors studied some aspects of the region’s investment potential and competitive advantages of region for investment activity. In the end, the authors made the substantial conclusions. Key words: territorial structure, modernization, concentration, specialization, investment, infrastructure, free economic zones, business environment, swot analysis, cluster system, labor resources, innovation, investment attraction, investment potential, competitive advantages, development policy.


Investment Activity; Regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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