Development of Digital Based Comic Media for Primary V-Class Student Learning

Jatu Wahyu Wicaksono, M. Japar, Erry Utomo


The purpose of this study was to improve Temarik learning in Class V Elementary Schools by using digital-based comic learning media. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The sampling technique used is random. The research subjects were 30 grade V students of SD Negeri Penggung I in Cirebon City. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and interview sheets. The results showed that the development of digital-based comic media was needed, especially to support the learning of  Pancasila and Civics Education and Social Studies content which tended to be abstract, especially material on the socio-cultural diversity of society. Comic products that are planned to be developed will be disseminated through digital media and printed with a scanned QR code so that they can be connected to the gadget.


Digital Comic; Social Learning; Elementary School

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