Commodification of Endorser Models in the Cultural Industry of Fashion and Cosmetic Products (Critical Study of the Phenomenon of Mass Culture in the Cultural Industry Based on the Perspective of György Lukács)
The cultural industry in the fashion and cosmetics sector in the digital era is currently experiencing a very fast development and becoming a trend among the public. Promotion on digital social media is so massive and continues to grow along with the rapid industrial growth and socio-cultural changes when people start adapting digital technology with the various platforms used. The cultural industry needs to carry out an endorsement, which is now a trend, in promoting and introducing products to the public. Endorsers often become capitalist objects to be used as tools that can generate profits and as part of the value to increase products. This study uses a qualitative method with a critical ethnographic approach. The results show that endorsers do not only play a single role in their work as endorsers, according to their expertise in maintaining their physical appearance, but are also required to be able to produce visual and audio content to promote vendor’s products on social media. In addition, endorsers are also required to maintain their physical performance and appearance. For endorsers, this is not difficult, so they take the job for granted and consider it as something right, not as a form of violence.
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