Sakukha Traditions: Preserving the Tradition in the Society of West Lampung to Enhance Historical Mindness
This study aims to determine how the existence, impacts the function of the Sakukha Tradition in the Buay Pernong Pekon Balak Community, West Lampung. The method used in this research is the descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique is done using observation, interviews, documentation. The data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis techniques. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the existence of the Sakukha Tradition in the Buay Pernong community has existed since ancient times as a symbol of magic and warfare, but currently, it is used as a symbol of gratitude for the Buay Pernong community, besides that it is used as a form of community entertainment and a place to connect friendship. Although several things have changed, it is different for the young generation of Buay Pernong Pekon Balak who is still wise and wise in responding to the entry of new cultures without causing the loss of the old culture by introducing the sakukha tradition through the media. This is also supported by the functions and roles of local government and traditional leaders to maintain and preserve regional culture, especially the sakukha tradition, so that it will not be lost by increasingly modern times, proven by the construction of a sakukha icon, precisely in Hamtebiu park, Liwa West Lampung.
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