Technical Capability of Regional Development Planning Bodies in Absorbing Community Aspirations in development programs: Local Development Planning Perspectives
The Regional Development Planning Agency as a regional technical institution in the field of development planning is demanded for its technical capabilities in accommodating and accommodating the aspirations of the community in order to realize community welfare. This study aims to find out the organizational Ability of the Regional Development Planning Agency in absorbing the aspirations of the community in development planning and factors support and hinder the Organizational Ability of the Regional Development Planning Agency to absorb the aspirations of the community in Regional Development Planning. This research uses qualitative research by taking the setting or research location in Gorontalo District. The data collection technique is done by using interview, observation and documentation methods. Data analysis in this study used an interactive pattern analysis technique. Data collection, data condensation, data presentation, drawing conclusions or verification. The results showed that the Development Planning Agency Organization is still having difficulties in accommodating and accommodating people's aspirations through the development planning system so that the results have not been able to fulfill all existing aspirations, this is triggered by the ability of the apparatus owned by the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (BAPPEDA) either Technically, administrative, conceptual and communication have not been able to support the management of community aspirations running well. As for the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Regional Development Planning Agency in absorbing the aspirations of the community, namely as a Supporting Factor, there is extensive authority owned by Bappeda in coordinating, the availability of information technology, the presence of stakeholder participation, while the Inhibiting Factors are the ability and skills of officials, political intervention from authorities, as well as the low ability of Bappeda to identify quality proposals.
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