The Urgency of Using Police Diversion in Minor Crimes at the Investigation Stage in the Perspective of Restoration Justice

Edy Heriwiyanto, Joice Soraya, Deni Setya Bagus Yuherawan


Implementation of deviations at this stage of the research would be broad outlines, covering verbal warning, informal deviation, and formal deviation. The deviation tries to get the offending child to avoid the stigma of the formal judicial process. Consultation with the victim's family; the perpetrator; Superiors of prison officers; Social worker; The public and other parties determine or influence the children's actions as perpetrators. In this way, you will offer better justice to the victims and perpetrators of crime in the best interests of our future. The results showed that the discretion assigned to investigators can stop or perform versioning. This mechanism is limited to offenses punishable by less than 7 (seven) years of age, in this case not to the maximum protection of children who break the law. Based on the results of the investigation, the deviation, such as change in the manipulator, compared to the number of people reported or brought to the police, still minimal. At the practical level, there are still many obstacles in the implementation of the investigation redirection, from the legal aspect to the estimated time in which it was not possible to act maximally. In Cultural aspects of society, it is still difficult to change the mentality of families and communities. Necessary aspects of reforming the structure of the support infrastructure for the successful implementation of the diversion are required. This requires thorough training and socialization so that it can be effectively implemented in the investigation phase.


Diversion; Investigation; Legal Protection; Minor Criminal Case

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