Development of the Assessment to Measure the Critical Thinking Ability of the Blood Circulation Systems for Humans in Bengkulu City

Meri Andaria, Rambat Nur Sasongko, Muhammad Kristiawan, Ahmad Walid, Raden Gamal Tamrin Kusumah


The aim of this study is to determine the validation, practicality, feasibility, reliability coefficient, level of difficulty and the distinction between critical thinking based assessment to measure student critical thinking skills. This research uses a research and development type with a quantitative approach. This research procedure uses the Borg & Gall development model, which includes 8 steps, namely potential problems, information gathering, product development, expert validation, expert revision, small-group testing, product revision, final product. The research instruments used were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII SMPN 8, SMPN 10, SMPN 22 Bengkulu City. The results showed that the results of the assessment instruments carried out met the criteria of valid, reliable, practical, feasible, had distinctive power, scoring questionnaires and the level of difficulty that was spread with the normal level of data distribution. This research is a research in the field of natural sciences that can be used by science subject educators to make a positive contribution to the development of natural sciences, particularly in junior high schools, MT equivalents and B non-formal education. This study is different from previous studies and is considered to be different from other studies.


Assessment; Critical Thinking; High Order Thinking Skill

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