Widyaiswara Competence in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Toward Indonesia Unggul

Sari Gunawan, Rambat Nur Sasongko, Muhammad Kristiawan


This study described competencies that should be developed by Widyaiswara in industry 4.0 toward Indonesia Unggul. The method used in this study was qualitative descriptive method. This primary data was obtained from the questionnaire shared in Google form. The analysis of desciptive data is done by several stages i.e reduction, display, and conclusion. Research show the competence should be developed by Widyaiswara, Creativity and innovativity skills become the top level of respondent expectation by Widyaiswara (93%). The criteria of Indonesia Unggul that can be applied by widyaiswara in reaching  high expectation standard of respondent, is concerning on the discipline and time management (88%). National Board for development and Empowerment human resources of health and state administration agency of Indonesia as governing board of widyaiswara need to advocate and enhance the professionalism and hold an active participation in accelerating the competence of widyaiswara to face the challenge in Industrial Revolution 4.0 toward Indonesia Unggul.


Competency; Widyaiswara; Industrial Revolution 4.0

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i4.2581


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