Analysis of the Implementation of Online Learning During Covid-19

Hilyati Milla, Erwani Yusuf, Suharmi Suharmi, Zufiyardi Zufiyardi, Riyanto Efendi, Aulia Annisa


The Covid-19 pandemic in the world of education in Indonesia has had a considerable impact. The covid-19 pandemic, it has prompted the government to issue policies regarding the implementation of learning that must be carried out online or remotely. This research aims to analyze the implementation of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research methodology is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Respondents in this research were 23 respondents who were taken by the total sampling technique. The data analysis technique used the Miles and Huberman Model analysis technique. The research results are as follows: 1). The implementation of online learning has been going quite well, 2). Students and educators already have the basic facilities needed, 3). Online learning has flexibility in its implementation starting from learning planning, implementing learning, and learning evaluation, 4). Students are required to be more independent and motivated in learning activities, 5). There are advantages and disadvantages to online learning.


Analysis; Implementation; Online learning; Covid-19

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