A Review of Some Applications of Nanoparticle Technology and New Materials in Medical and Dental Sciences
When it comes to nanotechnology it is considered the advanced technologies in the field of working with nanoscale. New materials technology refers to those are molecularly and atomically applied to new materials in the medical sciences. This technology has been able to make dramatic changes in various sciences as a superior technology. Meanwhile, medical sciences are no exception to these developments and this technology has been able to create a revolution in the field of medicine. Today, nano has revolutionized the discussion of drug delivery, the treatment of water-insoluble drugs, the possibility of injecting or injecting drugs, eliminating the side effects of drugs, early detection of diseases, and treatment of terminally ill patients such as AIDS, hepatitis, and cancer. In this article, some applied fields of nanotechnology and new materials in medical sciences are described. Therefore as nanotechnology is of high significant in the trends of medical sciences, this study as a review is conducted. Library and Internet resources as well as reports of the Presidential Special Nanotechnology Headquarters have been used to collect materials.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i5.2571
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