Urgent Necessity of Issuing Regulations concerning Government Ban on Displaying Organizational Symbols

Nandu Dyanata, A. Rahmad Boediono, Prija Djatmika, Tunggul Ansasri SN


Back in 2017, the government dismissed a mass organization called Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia or HTI. This dismissal referred to the activities organized by HTI that was believed to pose a threat to the political sovereignty of the state. On one hand, the symbol of HTI is still visible to the public’s eye on media and in all forms. Organizational symbols, believed to represent an identity and the soul of movement, have been used by several mass organizations. This research is focused on the analysis of the urgent necessity of issuing the regulations that ban the use of organizational symbols that have long been banned by the government. With normative legal method, statutory, historical, and conceptual approaches, this research has revealed that the urgency of issuing the regulations banning the organizational symbols principally refers to Pancasila (the Five Principles) as the source of law, the 1945 Indonesian Constitution, Provisions of People’s Consultative Assembly, laws, and legal history of regulating mass organizations and the concept of Human Rights as referred to by the people of Indonesia


Regulations; Use of Symbols; Organization

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i5.2570


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