Pahlavon Mahmud and Generosity

Jasurbek Mahmudov


In this article we are talking about a Sufi order, and some features syatogo Pakhlavan Mahmoud Purёrvaly according to well-known works as “Nafahat ul-Uns” and Jamie, “Nasayim-ul-Muhabbat” and Navoi, “Majalis-ul Ushshak” Husain Fanaiy, “Riёz Street – Zakirin” Allah Yar Mahzuna and other sources. As we know, every Sufi or NEP had its attributive faith on Sufism (Tariqa). Until now, studies have concluded Sufi orders Pakhlavan Mahmoud was zhavanmardiya. But various studies Tadhkirat we clarified that Pakhlavan Mahmoud was a spiritual disciple (Uwais) famous Khorezm Najmiddin Sufi Kubra. This can be seen from the Alisher Navoi and Tadhkirat Mahzuna Allah Yar, which was written by the 19th century's Khorezm. According to sources, has been refined Sufi chain Pahlawan Mahmud, who was a holy Kubrava came to the Prophet Muhammad (saas). Also, in the article we are talking about different abnormalities Pahlawan Mahmud as a saint. At the end of the article leaves the conclusion that the Tariqa Pakhlavan Mahmoud had not only Order javanmardiya (generosity) but Kubrava and even had a relationship with the Sufis khilvaltiyya.


Javanmardiya-Generosity; Futuwwat-Youth; Piri Murshid-The One Who Guides to Goodness; Riyazat; Najmiddin Kubro; Kubravianism; Pahlavon Mahmud

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