Sociological Aspects of Volunteering

Larisa Antonovna Kim, Dilshod Saydullaevich Yusupov


The article analyzes the essence of volunteering from the point of view of relations and processes considered at the level of society as a whole. The essence of the concept of "volunteering" in sociological discourse is revealed, the main aspects of volunteering are noted, the importance and necessity of volunteer work in modern society are shown. The dynamics of volunteering as a community and social institution is considered, the types of volunteer activities, the functions of the external and internal orientation of the social community of volunteers are highlighted. The transformations of the nature and content of different types of volunteer activities are revealed.


Volunteer;Volunteering;Volunteer Movement;Volunteering;Volunteering;Society;Motivation; State;Altruism;Social Structure; Social Institutions; Social Processes

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