Deviations of Pragmatic Cooperation Principles in Online Learning Interactions in Senior High School

Kukuh Aria Nusantara, Herman J Waluyo, Sumarwati Sumarwati


Communication is a cooperative activity that is very important to achieve the goals expected by teachers and students. In the new normal era, education must continue in various ways, one of which is online learning. This study aims to describe the deviation from the principle of cooperation in the interaction of Indonesian language learning conducted online at SMAN 1 Parakan. This study took class XI data in the teaching material "Preparing Proposals." This research is descriptive qualitative research with a case study approach. The data and data sources of this research are speech deviation from the principle of cooperation in online learning interactions. The application used in online learning uses google classroom where most of the conversations occur. This research is based on the occurrence of deviations from the maxims that exist in the principle of cooperation and the factors that cause it. The results of this study indicate that at least the interaction of learning has deviated from the maxims that exist in the principle of cooperation, namely: 1) maxim of quantity, 2) maxim of quality, 3) maxim of relevance, and 4) maxim of manner.


Learning Interaction; Online Learning; Cooperation Principles

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