Directive Speech Acts of Teachers and Students in Indonesian Language Online Learning in Multicultural Classes at SMA NEGERI 1 Pinangsori
This study aims to describe how the directive speech acts of teachers and students in the Indonesian language learning process via zoom in class IPS 1, IPS 2, IPS 3. SMA Negeri 1 Pinangsori. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method. The data source needed in this research is directive speech acts between the teacher and students in online learning via zoom in IPS 1 1, IPS 2, IPS 3. SMA Negeri 1 Pinangsori. The techniques of collecting data which is used in this research are observation and recording. The data analysis used by describing the results of the recording, data reduction, data interpretation, and drawing conclusion. The validity of the data used is source and theory of triangulation. The data analysis used is interactive data analysis techniques. The results showed that the speech acts of the teacher and students in this study were commanding, requesting, forcing, asking, and inviting. The speech acts were conveyed directly in the video zoom which was carried out by the teacher in Indonesian Language learning Chapter V. Based on the results of this research, in the using of directive speech acts carried out by teachers and students, the one who dominated more was the teachers. This happens because the teachers are a good role model in speaking and are polite in language.
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