Analysis of Growth and Elasticity of Regional Native Income to Brutto Regional Domestic Product
Research Objectives to find out the growth of Regional Native Income (In Indonesia Called PAD) and the form and magnitude of Elasticity of Regional Native Income about the growth rate of Product Domestic Regional Brutto (PDRB) East Lombok Regency and since 2016-2019. This type of research includes descriptive research. This research was conducted in East Lombok Regency of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The data collected in the study include data on the Regional Budget (In Indonesia called APBD) for the last 4 (four) years which include: Regional Revenue, Regional Original Budget, Legal Hain Budget from 2016 to 2019. The results showed that the rate of development of Regional Native Income to Brutto Regional Domestic Product based on Prevailing Prices (In Indonesia called ADHB) East Lombok District in 2016-2019 with an average growth rate for 4 (four) years starting from 2016-2019 reached 10.29 percent. The rate of development of Regional Native Income to Brutto Regional Domestic Product based on Constant Prices in 2010 in East Lombok District in 2016-2019 with an average growth rate for 4 (four) years starting from 2016-2019 reached 11.36 percent. The contribution of the balanced fund to the regional income of East Lombok Regency is so influential that the impact on the rate of economic growth reflected in the growth of Brutto Domestic Regional Product based on Prevailing Prices (In Indonesia such as PDRB ADHB) and Brutto Domestic Regional Product based on Constant Price (In Indonesia called PDRB ADHK) East Lombok Regency for 4 (four) Years (2016-2019) is relatively significant. Pad elasticity to Product Domestic Regional Brutto both based on Prevailing Prices and based on Constant Prices in 2010 on average for the last 4 (four) years shows a trend that is positive or Elastic. This means that if PAD increases by one unit (%), then PDRB will increase by more than one unit (%).
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