The Form of Tolerance Value in the Novel Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika by Hanum Salsabiela Rais and Rangga Almahendra
This study aimed to describe the form of tolerance values in the novel Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika by Hanum Salsabiela Rais and Rangga Almahendra. The research method which was used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection used reading and note-taking techniques. The data in this study was a novel entitled Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika. The data source in this study were quotes which were contained in the novel. The analysis technique which was used is the content analysis technique. The theory used is the theory of tolerance values found in each text by paying attention to the elements of tolerance values. The results of this study indicated that there was a tolerance value that included in four elements. The first element was to give freedom or independence. The second element was recognizing the rights of each individual, then the third element was respecting the beliefs of others, and the fourth element is mutual understanding. One aspect of character education was a tolerance. For this reason, the results of this study could be used as material for character education. That was because the research results of the novel entitled the Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika were in accordance with the four elements of tolerance values.
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