Analysis of Amiralmu’minin (As)’S Method in Correcting Beliefs and Behaviors
Imam Ali (AS) lived in a time that was saturated with the corruption derived from the caliphate of caliphs. The existence of this deep intellectual-behavioral gap in society led to abnormal behaviors and inappropriate attitudes. Imam Ali (AS) has used targeted and planned methods to correct false attitudes and abnormal behavior with the aim of creating security and peace in society. The best way of persuading people to correct misconceptions and correcting them is to clarify vague issues with arguments that have been among the practical tools of the Imams (AS), including Imam Ali (AS) in educating the people of the time. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the method of explanation in the Alavid system in order to modify the attitude and behavior based on its narratives in a descriptive-analytical method and to study its importance in the field of Islam. Findings indicate that the main method of Imam Ali (AS) in reforming attitude and behavior is the method of explanation, i.e. a rational explanation used in two non-cited and cited ways. Although Imam Ali (AS) did not speak without citation, but in some cases he did not express the citation. At the end of the research, the features of this method in the Alavid system have been investigated.
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