Application of Integrated Assessment in Law Enforcement against Narcotics Abusers

Bagus Satrio Wibowo, Zainal Asikin, Amirudin Amirudin


This study aims to examine 2 (two) main problems, namely how is the application of integrated assessment in law enforcement against narcotics abusers and why there are obstacles to the application of integrated assessment in law enforcement against narcotics abusers. The method used in examining these two problems is the nomative method using the legal approach (statute approach) and the case approach (case approach). The application of the integrated assessment is based on the provisions of Article 127 paragraph (2) and (3) of the Narcotics Law which requires evidence for narcotics abusers in order to be rehabilitated. This proof can be obtained by the existence of an integrated assessment of narcotics abusers which aims to identify the level of narcotics addiction and their involvement in the narcotics network. Its implementation is regulated through the Joint Regulation of 7 (seven) State Agencies as a technical guide in law enforcement against narcotics abusers so that it is synergistic and integrated. Through an integrated assessment, narcotics abusers can be placed early in the rehabilitation system while law enforcement continues. The implementation of an integrated assessment can be seen as a Restorative Justice approach to narcotics abusers, law enforcement continues and restoration of the condition of narcotics abusers can still be achieved.


Integrated Assessment; Narcotics Abuse

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