Legal Protection for Parties Who Suffer Losses Due to Changes in Land Registration Maps
In the procces of land certifivation Payakumbuh city at 2018 untul 2019, trere are 54 parties who submit the application of land remeasurement. The application of land remeasurement is the consequence of the difference between the land measurement that were written on the certificate and real its riel size. The difference of land measurement causes legal insecurity to certificate holder. This legal insecurity is againts the clause of article 28D paragraph (1) UUD 1945. It is interesting to do research in the from of scientific work in the forn of thesis with research problems; How is the process of remeasurement to land that already has certificate in Payakumbuh city; How is the protection of the law to the party who is harmed by the revision of land registration map; How is the proccess of the revision of land registration map based on the rresult of land remeasurement in Payakumbuh City. The research method used is a research method with an empirical judirical research, descriptive analysis with object of study includes the revision of land registration map. The main sources of empirical judirical research are field research and literature research. The thecnique of data processing by editing and data analysis, relate to the revision of land registration map. From the result of the study and discussion it was concluded that the head of the land office can correct the land registration map if there is technical error inthe land size data on the land registration map and the holder of the land right is asked to dign a declaration letter to receive the result of the land remeasurement by the land office.
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Adrian Sutedi, Transfer of Land Rights and Registration, 1st Edition, 4th Printing, Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2010
Bernhard Limbong, 2015, Land Acquisition for Public Interest , Margaretha Pustaka
Fandri EtimanNae, Legal Certainty of Certified Land Ownership Rights , LexPrivatum Journal, Vol.1 / November / 2013
Interview with Mr. Igusnaidi, 1 March 2019 at the Payakumbuh Land Office
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