Does Technology Change Families? A Tri -Angulation Discussion on the Relation of Family & Technology
Families have moved, or have been moved, from the streets into their homes or more specifically, into their bedrooms. Digital technology – computer games, mobiles & the internet and email are referred to as new technology when they are discussed in relation to Health & structure of families and Many parents, clinicians, researchers, and policy makers are concerned that electronic tools, especially those featuring violent content, may be harmful to individuals especially youths. This article is a documentary study, combination of multiple focus is chosen. In this article, Internet, Mobile and computer games. This article looks into the role of the technology on families. Specifically, it examines how the mediated space that this technology creates matters. Technological change often creates ungrounded fears but also overinflated hopes. In order to minimize risks and to seize chances, systematic, empirical, and ideally experimental research is crucial in all over the world. Major changes in family structure and environments might potentially severely disrupt family functioning, thus diminishing a family’s ability to cope with stress, so by the advent of a technology.
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