Analysis of the Effect of Performance and Individual Characteristics of Medical Employees on Understanding of Accreditation in Karanganyar District Hospital

Oktavy Budi Kusumawardhani, Iwan Setiawan Adji, Ahmad Supriyanto


Performance is the achievement expected by employees which the hospital hopes to achieve the goal of the hospital, namely accreditation. Accreditation forms a real commitment from the hospital in improving the safety and quality of patient care, ensuring the hospital service environment is safe and the hospital strives to reduce risks for patients, patient caregivers and hospital staff. The research aim to determine the effect of the performance and individual characteristics of medical employees on the understanding of accreditation in Karanganyar District Hospital. This study used a survey research type with a cross-sectional approach. The population used in this study were medical employees who worked at the Karanganyar District Hospital with 100 respondents. The sampling technique in this study was the simple random sampling method. To test the hypothesis, multiple regression analysis is used. The results of this study are the performance and characteristics of medical employees have an effect on the understanding of hospital accreditation, the value of which is F count> F table (7.194> 2.20) with a significance of <0.05 (0.000). Meanwhile, the partial value that affects the understanding of accreditation is the performance of medical employees with a value of t count> t table (4.232> 1.67) and a significance value of <0.05, namely 0.000. The influential individual characteristics are gender with a value of t count> t table (3.154> 1.67) with a significance value of <0.05 (0.000) and tenure with a value of t count> t table (-2.020) with a significance value of <0 , 05 (0.046). Meanwhile, individual characteristics, namely age and last education, did not affect hospital accreditation with a significance value> 0.05, namely 0.415 and 0.445. Conclusion of this study is an effect of performance and individual characteristics of medical employees on understanding of hospital accreditation. Partially the individual characteristics that have influence are gender and work mass, while age and education have no effect.


Understanding Accreditation; Individual Characteristics; Performance; Medical Employees

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