Increasing High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Using Question Card Games on Social Studies Content in Class V of Kranji XVI Public Elementary School, Bekasi City
This research was motivated by the low HOTS in SDN Kranji XVI Bekasi City. This study focuses on the efforts of researchers to improve HOTS in social studies learning. This research aims to see the increase in HOTS of students through social studies learning by applying card games to the concept of natural disasters in grade V SD. To achieve this goal, classroom action research was conducted using the model of Kemmis and Mc Taggart which consisted of two cycles, each of which consisted of four actions. The instruments used were questions to measure student HOTS and observation sheets to store student and teacher activities in learning. The subjects in this study were 30 grade V SD students. The results obtained during the implementation of classroom action research showed that the relevant question card games were applied in social studies learning to develop student HOTS. In the first cycle, the proportion of student completeness on HOTS reached 66.67%, while in the second cycle it reached 86.67%. The results of observations of teacher performance and student activities reached a proportion of 100% in cycle II of the cycle I which only obtained the proportions of 84.09% and 75%. Thus, it can be ignored that the application of question card games in social studies learning can increase student HOTS.
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