Semantic Analysis on Vocabularies in the Quran Implied by the Meaning of Hoax
This study aims to find out the vocabularies in the Quran implied by the meaning of hoax. This study employs qualitative methodology by using library research approach. The collected data were processed using qualitative research method, while the data analysis and interpretation technique used was descriptive analysis-semantics. This tehchnique means that the literal meaning of each word in the Quran was used to interpret the verses using general semantic theory of interpretation. The words being analysed were the vocabularries implied by the meaning of hoax. Words that are implied by the meaning of hoax in the Quran consist of 10 vocabularies. Among these words, الخداع is mentioned 5 times in which it is mentioned once in the form of ism and 4 times in the form of fi’il mudari’. The word الافك is repeated for 30 times where the word is mentioned 14 times in the form of ism, once in the form of fi’il ma’di’, and 15 times in the form of fi’il mudari. The word الكذب is repeated for 282 times where it is mentioned 95 times in the form of ism, 127 times in the form of fi’il ma’di’, and 60 times in the form of fi’il mudari.The word الإفتراء is repeated for 60 times where it is mentioned 9 times in the form of ism, 25 times in the form of fi’il ma’di’, and 26 times in the form of fi’il mudari. The word الفاحشة is repeated for 24 times in the forms of both ism mufrad and jama’. The word الفتنة is repeated in the Qur'an for 60 times where it is mentioned 37 times in the form of ism, 11 times in the form of fi’il ma’di’, and 12 times in the form of fi’il mudari. The word اللغو is repeated in the Qur'an for 11 times where it is mentioned 10 times in the form of ism and once in the form of fi’il amr. The word تقول is repeated for twice in the form of fi’il mudari’. The word المستهزئ is repeated in the Qur'an for 34 times where it is mentioned 13 times in the form of ism, 4 times in the form of fi’il ma’di’, and 17 times in the form of fi’il mudari. Finally, the word الْخَرَّاصُوْنَ is repeated in the Qur'an for 5 times where it is mentioned once in the form of ism and 4 times in the form of fi’il mudari. The vocabularies that are implied by the meaning of hoax in the Qur'an include: The word الخداع is interpreted as a hoax which literally means to hide something or place something at unsuitable position; the word الإفك is interpreted as الإفتراء و الكذب و التضليل و الخداع (to rump up, to lie, to fool, and to warp); The word الكذب is interpreted as lying; The word الفاحشة is interpreted as الفعلة الشنيعة و الذنب القبيح و الزنا (disgusting deeds, bad sins, and fornication); The word الافتراء is interpreted as الاختلاق و الكذب (to trump up and to deceive); The word الفتنة is interpreted as الاختبار ، المحنة ، الفتنة ، و الابتلاء (slander, ordeals, and tests). The word اللغو is interpreted as meaningless, wrong words, and vanity. The word تقول is interpreted as making a lie. The word (المستهزئ) هزis interpreted as to mock or to insult. The word خَرَصَ is interpreted as to guess, to conjecture, to surmise, and to fib. The vocabularies implied by the meaning of hoax in the Qur'anic verses consisted of various derivations of words. Despite of that, it is apparent that in general, these vocabullaries have the same interpretation as their literal and basic meanings. In this case, each vocabulary is analyzed based on the lexeme meaning of each word. For instance, the meaning of the word al-khida and other similarly rooted meanings in the Quran show the interpretation of ‘deceptive’ or hoax. The Qur'an uses the words ifk and other similar terms to show various meanings such ‘false words’ or falsehood, ‘the destruction’ of the country, ‘far’ from the truth, and ‘lies’ of the disbelievers and hypocrites; The words al-kizb and other similarly rooted meanings show the interpretations of lies, liars, deceptions, refuse the truth of Allah, apostitizing, and making up lies; The words iftira other similarly rooted meanings in the Quran show the interpretations of to trump up, to eceive, to shirk, and to persecute; The word fa’hisyah in the Qur'an shows the interpretation of heinous acts and something related to sexual violations; The word fitnah is used by the Qur'an to show the interpretation of tyranny/persecution, torture or punishment, and trials or tests; The word al-lagw in the Qur'an indicates the meaning of unintentional oaths, lies, verbal abuse, vain deeds and words; The word taqawwala implies the interpretation of trumping up and useless deeds; the word istihza' and another similarly rooted meaning shows the interpretations of to denote, to mock, and to insult; and finally the word kharrasun is interpreted as to guess, to conjecture, and to surmise guess. The discussion of semantic-lexical studies is certainly broad, especially when the Qur'an is made as the object of the study. Therefore this research is expected to be a reference for other researchers, especially those who are working in the field of Arabic. Therefor, the Arabic works could be further studied and being the object of research. In addition, this research is expected to have a contribution in the development of science, particularly in a semantic-lexical field of linguistic.
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