Profile of Students' Refractive Thinking in Mathematical Problem Solving of Two-Variable Linear System
Refractive thinking is the thinking process to decide on several alternative solutions through reflection and critical thinking. The study is set is to describe the students' refractive thinking processes in solving mathematical problems of a two-variable linear system. This is qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive method. The collected data is analyzed through three stages, namely: reduction, presentation, and verification of conclusion. The results reveal that the refractive thinking process of students from two subjects in solving mathematical problems, namely the best solution is obtained that the subject's thinking process follows the flow of the refractive thinking process. It can be determined from several alternative solutions in solving mathematical problems by using mathematical work procedures by changing story problem into a mathematical model. So that, it can be conducted quickly and precisely through the identification of the problem, strategic, and evaluation in the refractive thinking process.
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