Analyzing and Criticizing Anti-Shiites’ Rumor on Distortion of Quran
Some orientalists have cast doubts upon the Holy Quran stating that the book has been distorted (it has been subject to Tahrif). Sometimes, these orientalists refer to some incorrect information to justify this rumor. One of those people is the German orientalist, Reiner Bruner. In this study, Bruner's viewpoints on both Shiite and Sunnites’ beliefs in the 20th century are discussed. In this study, Bruner’s viewpoints on the distortion of Quran are briefly analyzed and criticized. The method of this study is descriptive-analytical. Furthermore, based on authentic documents, this study responds Bruner's claims. In some of his works, Bruner has attributed the rumor of distortion to some early Shiite scholars. This article confirms that most Shiite scholars including the earliest and the most recent ones do not accept the distortion of Holy Quran. Most Shiite scholars believe that Quran is pure from any kind of distortion including additions or omissions and they refer to the verses of the Quran, the narratives of the Innocent Imams (Hadith) and the words of some greate Shiite scholars.
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