Development of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Models in Applied Physics Courses

Fadhilah Fadhilah, Z. Mawardi Effendi, Ridwan Ridwan


Applied Physics is a basic course in engineering science. As an applied science, it is expected that it can be seen its application in learning material as skills demanded by graduates. CTL is a learning concept that help teachers connect the material they teach with real-world situations of students and encourage students to make connections between the knowledge they have and their application in their lives. The instructional development model used is the IDI (Instructional Development Institute) which consists of define, develop, and evaluate. The result of this development with a CTL-based model has syntactic of Display, Inquiry, Learning Community, and Authentic Assessment (DILA). The structure of the model in the form of a theoretical model has been validated by a hypothetical model that will be tested for its application. The syntax that exists in the DILA learning model trains students to make discoveries, cooperate and make judgments.


CTL; Applied Physics; DILA

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