Advocacy of Eudaimonic Well-Being for Farmers in Cikedung Subdistrict of Indramayu West Java-Indonesia
The existence of stigma in the community that farming is dirty, unprestigious, and poor has contributed to the decreasing number of young generation to enter agricultural sector. Hence, reducing the effect of this stigma requires such a systematical, structured, and sustainable effort in the form of campaign which shows the advances in agricultural sector, the success of agricultural entrepreneurs and provides programs of massive development in the community, particularly those living in rural area. A study related to the stigma has been conducted in Cikedung Subdistrict, that is one of wetland rice production centers in Indramayu Regency. The aims of this study were to: (1) Describe the extent of community stigma concerning the unpromising farming sector in Cikedung Subdistrict, (2) Analyze factors affecting community stigma where agriculture cannot provide a promising future and improve welfare in farming business conducted in Cikedung Subdistrict, (3) Formulate the strategy to eliminate negative stigma of rural community on eudaimonic well-being. A total of 215 out of 1,195 wetland rice farmers were selected as research sample by following the formula Harry King. Data collection was done through direct interview using closed-ended that was previously tested for its validity and reliability. Data were analyzed through two methods, namely; descriptive to explain the community stigma about farming sector, and multi-linear regression to investigate factors affecting eudaimonic well-being. Results of study indicated that: 1) respondents were majorly (75%) of quite old (43 years old) and elderly (73 years old), most of them (54.6%) attended Primary School for 5-7 years, and in majority (52.9%) had a long farming experience of above 25 years; 2) factors significantly affected (p<0.005) eudaimonic well-being included: individual characteristics, economic source, capacity, economic condition, commodity farmed, income contribution, and bargaining power.
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