The Values of Tunggul Wulung Tradition in the Purview of National Identity: A Socio-Historical Study

Lany Susanti, Hermanu Joebagio, Sri Yamtinah


This article focuses to elucidate the noble values of the Tunggul Wulung tradition. The qualitative approach was used  in this research  to analyze the meaning of Tunggul Wulung tradition  by focusing on the ceremonial aspect and  the activities of  Villagers of Jurang. The data were conducted by field observation, interview, and documentation. The results of the research show that Tunggul Wulung tradition consists noble values such as kinship, cooperation or gotong-royong, politeness, tolerance, and deliberation. These values are summarized in the processions of Tunggul  Wulung ceremony, from preparation to the main procession of the ceremony. The authors mention a notion that the values of Tunggul Wulung tradition are essentially the living values of Indonesian society. The values should be conserved and actualized in order to strengthen the national identity.


National identity; Tunggul Wulung; Local tradition

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