Critique of the Doctrinal and Interpretive Foundations of Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab and Denial of the Accusations against Shiism
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the founder of the Wahhabi sect, attributed the accusations to Shi'ism, including lying and accepting the acceptance of the distortion of the Qur'an, citing two surahs of Noorin and Wilayah, which consist of several imaginary verses. In support of this claim, he refers to two things, one is the hadiths of the distortion of the Qur'an in authentic Shiite books and the other is the acceptance of some Shiite scholars to the distortion of the Qur'an. The method of collecting material in this research is library. This research with a descriptive-analytical method in the critique of the presented issues states that many of these distorted narrations are single news and in those narrations there is no consecutive news or single news with definite cornea, so the news is weak. On the other hand, many Shiite scholars have expressed their position on the narrations of distortion and have carried them on spiritual distortion, differences in interpretive readings, their expression of revelation, epistemology, and so on.
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