Design of Integrated Skills Materials for Islamic School
The aims of this research were to design the integrated-skills materials for the four grade students of Islamic elementary schools, and to find out the appropriateness of the materials developed. The type of this research was Research and Development (R & D). The research model followed the Dick and Carey model in developing the materials which simplified into six steps. This research employed three techniques in collecting the data namely survey, interview and observation. Based on the techniques, the instruments of the research were questionnaires, the guideline for interview and observation sheets. The result of this study is the integrated-skills materials for the students of Islamic elementary school entitled “Let’s learn English” which consisted of integrated-skills activities and some Islamic values in every unit. The unit design of the materials presented the warming-up activity, the main activity including integrated skills activities, games, and grammar notes, glossary, reflection and general knowledge containing Islamic values. The appropriateness of the learning materials was shown in terms of content, language, presentation, and graphics. The developed materials were categorized as “very good” based on the expert evaluation. It achieved a final mean score of 3.7 which was in the range of 3.25 < x ≤ 4. The results of materials evaluation based on the students’ evaluation were categorized as “very good” which achieved 92.25%.
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