School Mapping to Support the Implementation an Independent Learning- Independent Campus Program in West Lampung Regency

Muhammad Basri, Suparman Arif, Heryandi Heryandi, Ahmad Saudi Samosir


School mapping is an activity to provide an overview of a certain area regarding the state of the schools and its relationship to the number of school-aged children, the development of human settlements, and the socio-economy. It is part of an effort to solve educational problems, strengthen national education management, increase availability, affordability, quality, relevance, equity, and certainty in obtaining education services in Indonesia. Along with the implementation of an independent learning program - an independent campus where school is one of university's partners in the practice of increasing the quality of education as a link and match realization, accurate data are needed regarding school conditions concerning aspects of inequality of access in a particular area and group, efficiency and dropping out of school, quality of facilities and infrastructure, teacher issues, and curriculum. The research was focused on the goal to obtain accurate data by mapping the condition of schools in the realization of the implementation of an independent learning program – independent campus that was conducted in West Lampung regency, Sumatra island, Indonesia. This study adopted a qualitative approach in which several instruments, e.g., observation, interviews, and documentation, were employed for data collection. The collected data were descriptively analysed.


School Maping; Learning; West Lampung

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