Female circumcision in Islamic and Health Perspective in Bogor, West Java
This study was aimed to find that medically speaking, the practice of female circumcision was carried out by the community in Jasinga, Cigudeg, and Cileungsi Districts. This research is a quantitative study of 110 respondents. This study is also supported by qualitative research with the type of Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP). The source of this research consisted of mothers who had daughters aged one to five years and performed female circumcision both to health workers and to traditional birth attendants. The results showed that circumcision did not have a significant negative impact on children's health and psychology. Traditions that collaborate with religious teachings are a strong reason for someone to take any action, even though from the other side the benefits have not been found. The practice of female circumcision is still ongoing, although there is a prohibition against such activities because it is seen as a violation of human rights, it can result in shock, stress, and even sexual dysfunction.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i2.2375
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