An Analysis of Public Service Policy on Rail Transport Passenger in Malang Station in this New Normal Era
The implementation of public service policy in the new normal era on rail transport refers to the decree of the Minister of Administrative reform of the national apparatus number 63 year 2019 and adjusted to the decree of the Minister of Health No HK. 01.07/Menkes/328/2020 about the manual and control of covid-19 by giving public service related to new normal rule. The implementation of new normal rule at Malang station have some obstacles such: 1) Without realizing that many people are people without symthoms status travel outside the city as usual, it is risky to transmit to other transportation users, 2) Community compliance is still low in implementing health protocols. This research uses qualitative methods. The results showed that the satisfaction of train users in Malang City station using the Likert scale shows an average of 2.69 is a good category. Based on the minimum service standard (SPM) at the train station of Malang city in the new era of normal prevention spread Covid-19 is good.
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