Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Attitudes towards Intercultural Communicative Competence as a Goal of EFL Learning
Since the 21st century, English learning has been governed by three lingual paradigms, namely the theories of English as a lingua franca, world Englishes, and English as an international language. The three theories agree that ideally the goal of English learning, especially for the EFL context, is to master intercultural communicative competence (ICC). Thus, this study applied a mixed method to investigate Indonesian EFL teachers’ attitudes towards ICC as a goal of EFL learning. 50 Indonesian EFL teachers were involved as the participants. The quantitative data were collected using questionnaires, and the qualitative data were garnered from interviews. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and the qualitative data were analyzed using an interactive model. This study revealed that in general most of Indonesian EFL teachers had positive attitudes towards ICC as a goal of EFL learning. Their positive attitudes represented their psychological tendencies covering the domains of affection, cognition, and behavior with the percentages of 80%, 85%, and 85% respectively. Contextually, they represented their positive attitudes by showing their interests, preferences, opinions, perspectives, views, and efforts that they would make as regards the negotiated entity, namely ICC as a goal of EFL learning.
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