Implementation of Learning to Write News Text via the Internet in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era (Case Study in Class VIII MTs N 1 Surakarta)

Rina Dewi Astuti, Andayani Andayani, Suyitno Suyitno


The aim of this study is to describe and explain: 1) lesson plan of writing news text via the internet; 2) the implementation of learning to write news text via the internet; 3) obstacles encountered in learning to write news text via the internet; and 4) the effort of the students to solve obstacles they faced when learned to write news text via the internet in the COVID-19 pandemic era. This study is descriptive qualitative that conducted in the class VIII MTs N 1 Surakarta. Source of the data of this study were from: (1) indonesian language teachers and students of class VIII as an informant and (2) documents such as syllabus, lesson plan, and textbooks as the learning media and material in the process of teaching and learning Indonesian language. This study uses purposive technique to collecting the data. Data collecting technique used as follows: 1) interview and 2) document analysis. The result of this study were 1) lesson planning of writing news text via internet in the COVID-19 pandemic era of class VIII has running good; 2) the lesson of writing news text via internet in the COVID-19 pandemic era was conducted in a good way; 3) the obstacles in the learning process were separated as three kinds as follows: a) the students’ psychological unpreparedness in facing distance learning, b) students have lack of interest and motivation to follow the learning process via internet, and c) students were the different levels of understanding abilities; 4) there are four efforts to overcome the obstacles. First, the collaboration between the material and the interesting learning media. Second, teacher gave some games such as online quiz. Third, students tried to find information and review the material. Fourth, teacher gave opportunities for students to ask questions.


Learning to Write News Text, Internet, COVID-29 Pandemic Era, Class VIII

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