Ecological Damage in the novel of Mata dan Manusia Laut by Okky Madasari
Natural problems are the main issues which is related to the human attitudes and behaviours. There is a reciprocal relationship between human and nature. Ecological damage affects the life of organisms or other biotic and abiotic elements. In literary discourse, the author could show the destruction of nature. The purpose of this study is to describe the natural problems in Okky Madasari's novel Mata dan Manusia Laut. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive analytic working mechanism. The approach used was an ecocritical approach. The data collection technique applied was documentation. The data analysis activities consisted of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results showed that the natural problems contained in the novel of Mata and Manusia Laut were natural problems and artificial or influenced by human behaviour. Non-anthropocentric problems were weather problems in Kaledupa and Masalembo, high waves caused by the gravity of the moon, tsunamis, and earthquakes. Meanwhile, the problems that were directly influenced by the attitudes and behaviours of the characters consisted of the problem of fish bombs, sea water pollution with garbage, and the death of the mother octopus. The results of this study could be used to strengthen the character and attitude of loving the environment.
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