Perennial Philosophy in the Intellectual Foundations of Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Titus Burckhardt
Perennial philosophy holds that there is something hidden in all transcendent matters that does not belong to a particular period of history and to a particular geographical location. Rather, it exists at all times and is transferred from one period to another as a tradition. Therefore, the term tradition in Perennial philosophy is the same as the sacred intellect that lies in the institution of all these transcendent affairs. Among the thinkers who sought to discover the foundations of Perennial philosophy were Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Titus Burckhardt. Perennial philosophy and traditionalist views have always formed the main and deep theories of these two thinkers. It can also be argued that the traditionalist view of the world has influenced all of Nasr and Burckhardt’s scientific theories. What has been studied in this article is the study and analysis of the views and opinions of Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Titus Burckhardt about Perennial philosophy, and the purpose of this research is to extract the basics of Perennial philosophy based on the views of these two thinkers among their works.
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