Innovation in the Management of Sustainable Environmental Study Tourism Park (TWSL) in Probolinggo
Local diversity through site-dependent activities such as tourism and resource-based recreation, as well as resource extraction, may offer opportunities for regional development and restructuration. The small number of open spaces in urban areas is a factor in the considerably high pressure of life in the city center. Therefore, the existence of public open spaces in the city center, especially green open spaces in urban areas, is needed because of its function and role as a place for socialization and recreation as well as an alternative rest area with its fresh air in the midst of hectic activities in the city center. Public open space also serves as a place for people to relieve fatigue after a long hard work at a very low cost. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness and the efficiency of the management of the Environmental Study Tourism Park in the City of Probolinggo. The management of urban forest in the former “red are” idle land for ecological, educational and socio-economic purposes as a manifestation of public green open space in urban areas is developed into an Environmental Study Tourism Park. Based on the results of research on the performance of the government/management in providing services to the community regarding environmental education information is considered to be good enough because it is supported by certified experts in accordance with their fields and provide convenience to the community/educational institutions in terms of visiting and learning flora and fauna.
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