The Use of Domino for Teaching Geometri

Slamet Sri Rahayu, B Usodo, I Slamet


Simple geometry material is taught to elementary school students. A conventional learning model where the teacher always explains makes students lazy to read. Thus, instead of getting new knowledge, the seventh-grade students only know what they remember about the geometry material they learn in their elementary schools. This study aims to find out the effect of using the domino game for teaching geometry, especially in the rectangle chapter, with SFAE learning model. VII F and VII G, sampling was carried out by stratified random sampling. Using quasi-experimental method, this study the seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Tawangmangu, Karanganyar Regency, as its population. Classes VII E, VII F, and VII G were selected as the samples using stratified random sampling. Data were collected using observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The data were then analyzed using two-way analysis of variance with unequal cells. It was found that (1) Fa (206.947) > F-table (6.0526) which means that students taught using SFAE model with dominoes have better achievement than those taught with the SFAE model only; (2) Fa (12.71791) > F-table (6.0526) which means that students taught using SFAE model with dominoes have better achievement than those taught using conventional learning models; (3) Fa (322.718) > F-table (6.0526) which means that students taught using SFAE learning model have better achievement than those taught using conventional learning models. Therefore, it can be concluded that learning using SFAE model with domino cards can improve students’ mathematics learning achievement in geometry material.


Domino Card Game; SFAE Learning Model

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