The Magic Beyond Ritual”- Exploring Raaba Ritual and Ritualization Among Arsi Oromos of Ethiopia
The purpose of this (mega) research project is to investigate the Raabaa Ritual and ritualization, one of the indigenous beliefs and Gada system practices in Oromo culture, among the Arsi Oromo. The Raabaa ritual is indigenous ritual practices which exercised by Arsi Oromo according to their Baalli. To this end, the researchers observed the ritual sites where the Raabaa ritual takes place. Besides, an interview with 13 key informants and 5 FGDs were conducted to collect wider data on the subject matter. Methodological the researchers’ were employee qualitative approach. The study found out that the Raabaa is being popular in the study area due to various reasons like: firstly, the practicing and living under the shade of Gadaa and belief in the ritual manifestation. The Arsi Oromo are believed to have possessed supernatural powers of empowering and performing various ritual rites to full fill necessary criteria’s while passing in the Gadaa system. Secondly, the belief that taking part in ritual ceremonies at all ritual sites of Raabaa is one method of getting relief from these worldly problems such as physical and psychological disordered and to have blessing life. The practices at the Raabaa ritual site also prove the tolerance that exists among some adherents of different religious, Baallis, hookaa and political backgrounds in the study area. According to our finding Raabaa ritual is used to increase awareness of the values of tolerance and understanding. The involvement of the local people, awareness levitation through community serves or education on ritual and ritualization of Raabaa, the practice of ritual and its sites protected areas should be encouraged to sustain and keep the practice.
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