The Role of Village Apparatus in Managing Village Fund: A Case Study in Marindal II Village, Deli Serdang, Indonesia

Azhar Azhar, Badaruddin Badaruddin, Warjio Warjio


The village's source of income must be managed properly and professionally. The role of the village government becomes very central in the management of village funds. This is important to be done in order to provide the welfare of the village community as a whole in accordance with the mandate of Village Law No. 6 of 2014. This study aims to depict the role of village apparatus in village fund management (VFM) for development in Marindal II village, patumbak district, deli serdang regency, Indonesia. This study was empolyed by using qualitative approach. The primary data were collected through interview and observation. The research informant consists of a key informant, a primary informant and an additional informant. The results presents that the role of village apparatus in Marindal II Village, Patumbak district, Deli Serdang regency is relevant based on the guidance from the regulation of the ministry of home affairs No. 20 of 2018 namely the role in planning, implementing, administrating, reporting, and accountability.


Village Apparatus; Role; Village Fund

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