The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Activity on Company Performance, with the Image of the Company as an Intervening Variable
This research aimed to find out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) toward social, economic, environment aspects on the sustainability of hotels in Bali. This research took a sample of employees of 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bali of 254 respondents using survey methods and primary data. The sample selection technique in this research used purposive sampling, data analysis using multiple regression. The results showed that the first problem was the social aspect variables had a positive effect on company image. Second, economic aspects had a positive effect on company image. Third, environmental aspects had a positive effect on company image. Fourth, the social aspect variable had a positive effect on company performance. Fifth, environmental aspects had a positive effect on company performance. Sixth, environmental aspects had a positive effect on company performance. Seventh, corporate image had a positive effect toward company performance.
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